Thursday, August 21, 2014

The Benefits of Staying Fit and Active

There’s an epidemic blazing a trail through the US, and it’s not slowing down.

That epidemic? Childhood obesity.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, obesity - defined as 40 or more pounds overweight - has more than doubled in children, and quadrupled in adolescents. The specific breakdown is especially alarming; 18% of all US children ages 6-11 were determined to be obese in 2012, and 21% of youth between 12-19 in the same year.

So why does it matter? Well, as we are all fully aware, obesity - at any age - opens the door to a host of devastating health problems, including but not limited to heart disease, diabetes, chronic illness and musculoskeletal conditions.

Now, while the tendency to become overweight does appear more frequently in certain families, a healthy, active lifestyle and a proper diet is simply the best pair of combatants against the dangers of obesity.


Here at School-A-Thon, we encourage kids of all fitness and weight levels to get busy exercising...and there are a lot of awesome dividends beyond healthy weight! Here are a few:

1) Kids who set healthy exercise habits are far more likely to continue them into adulthood.

2) Kids who exercise build strong bones, muscles and joints, which fortify against injuries.

3) Exercise sharpens the mind, builds concentration and promotes increased awareness.

4) Kids who exercise are far less likely to suffer from insomnia.

5) Exercise - especially when it comes to sports and teams - is directly linked to a strong self-image and positive peer relationships.

6) Studies show active kids are far les likely to suffer from depression, anxiety or attention disorders.

Frankly, that’s a short list. The reasons to get your kids committed to physical fitness are endless...and we’re here to help! Our School-A-Thon Color-A-Thon 3k runs are tried, tested and smash hits with students everywhere. Not into running? Color-A-Thon’s are good for any fitness level, you can run, walk, or move at this event. Let us know if we can help - after all, fitness and proper health shouldn’t be a chore - they should be fun!