Thursday, September 10, 2015

Building an Active and Healthy Lifestyle


The beginning of September can be a bit disappointing because it signals the end of our beloved summer and the beginning of fall. You’ve worked hard all summer to get in shape and be proud of the progress that you have made maintaining those morning jogs and accumulating all the time you’ve put in the gym, but now it’s time to finish strong and build an active and healthy life. Here are a few tips to help:

Partner in Crime
Don’t do it by yourself. It’s easy to push yourself to your very limits when you have someone right there next to you. This person can be your best friend, sibling, neighbor, or even mother. To make things even more interesting, create little contests, like who can do the most push-ups or who can run the longest without walking on the treadmill. Besides, having a little competition never hurt anybody!

Hit Up the Local Grocery Store
Staying in shape takes a little more than just running a mile and doing some crunches… It also requires a good diet and some self-discipline to stir away from those midnight cravings. You don’t need to start saying “Goodbye pizza, hello broccoli,” but rather surround yourself with healthier food at home and only eat junk food in moderation.

Set Goals
You can ask any person who has experienced some sort of success on how they got to where they are today, and they are going to tell you that they set goals for themselves. First ask yourself “what do I want to achieve through fitness?” SET THE BAR HIGH! Next, make a bunch of short-term goals that will help you climb the ladder to reach that long-term dream. Write these down on a notepad or in a diary of some sort and read them every morning when you start your day just to give you a little push of motivation.

To be in shape is a phase, but to stay in shape is a lifestyle. Now quit reading this and get out there and find your motivation!

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